Soul Mates Souls don’t talk to each other like that no words or sounds let alone the yelling It’s more a conversation of silence Slowly moving, feeling, being together I feel you near me and I know my soul knows this beautiful quality of silence
Here’s some of my past writings on community, collapse, leadership, and soul. Moving forward, I’ll be posting my public writings to my substack at
Month: February 2017
“Alarm bells should be going off and lights should be flashing everywhere…” Mick Collins, author of The Unselfish Spirit, said this when he was talking about the state of our planet. And, it’s true. We’re destroying the Earth and each other. We’re losing nature and all the wild things she holds. These are real losses, heartbreaking losses. I work with, and deeply feel, Earth grief (eco-grief) constantly. Every > MORE
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Mainstream Psychology Can Go Fuck Itself
February 12, 2019 -
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A Short Essay about the End of the World
April 13, 2018 -
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Transformative Relationships — Taking into Account Power, Rank, Privilege & Cultural Difference
October 27, 2021 -
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(Dis)Regarding the Humanity of Leaders
June 17, 2021