My interview was included in Patrick Farnsworth’s beautifully provocative book We Live in the Orbit of Beings Greater Than Us. Below is Patrick’s introduction of me & my interview from the book. ••• To further this point on the limitations human beings have in acknowledging, let alone mitigating, the ecologically destructive impacts of our ways of living and being on this planet (again, this is especially true for > MORE
Here’s some of my past writings on community, collapse, leadership, and soul. Moving forward, I’ll be posting my public writings to my substack at
When my brother, Brett, died I was ten years old. Old enough to understand something horrible had happened. Old enough to have my world turned upside down. Old enough to miss him for the rest of my life. Yet, young enough to be shielded from the practicalities of death such as arranging a funeral, contacting family and friends, and managing his estate. After my sister, Ivy, died this > MORE
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Mainstream Psychology Can Go Fuck Itself
February 12, 2019 -
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A Short Essay about the End of the World
April 13, 2018 -
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Transformative Relationships — Taking into Account Power, Rank, Privilege & Cultural Difference
October 27, 2021 -
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(Dis)Regarding the Humanity of Leaders
June 17, 2021