
Here’s some of my past writings on community, collapse, leadership, and soul.


We’re in troubled times (to say it simply). A pandemic has swept the globe, isolation is necessary to survive + support the most vulnerable, plus our economy is gasping for air. It’s very scary and sad. Within this pandemic, we’re all feeling personal loss. Loss of a job, a person, a way of life, the inability to gather with our friends and family for a funeral or graduation, > MORE

I blame mainstream Western psychology for a lot of the neoliberal bullshit we’re all inundated with. As I’ve gone further into the field of psychology (I have a Masters in counseling psychology and work with therapy clients regularly), I’ve come to see it as mostly individualized, white-centered, male-led, capitalist propaganda. While this isn’t always true, generally speaking, it’s an issue, and it’s having devastating impacts on our ability > MORE