
Here’s some of my past writings on community, collapse, leadership, and soul. Moving forward, I’ll be posting my public writings to my substack at


We’re in troubled times (to say it simply). A pandemic has swept the globe, isolation is necessary to survive + support the most vulnerable, plus our economy is gasping for air. It’s very scary and sad. Within this pandemic, we’re all feeling personal loss. Loss of a job, a person, a way of life, the inability to gather with our friends and family for a funeral or graduation, > MORE

I blame mainstream Western psychology for a lot of the neoliberal bullshit we’re all inundated with. As I’ve gone further into the field of psychology (I have a Masters in counseling psychology and work with therapy clients regularly), I’ve come to see it as mostly individualized, white-centered, male-led, capitalist propaganda. While this isn’t always true, generally speaking, it’s an issue, and it’s having devastating impacts on our ability > MORE