***This article contains difficult material, including references to sexual violence, Whiteness, and mass extinction. Please read slowly, take breaks if needed, and practice soothing techniques, such as grounding your feet to the floor.*** I rarely wave my collapse aware, near-term extinction flag because, well, it scares people and ultimately makes them run away, far away. In other words, I lose credibility and increase the feeling of isolation that > MORE
Here’s some of my past writings on community, collapse, leadership, and soul. Moving forward, I’ll be posting my public writings to my substack at https://tendingthethreshold.substack.com/.
A couple years ago a friend of mine did an internet search on the man she was dating. A horrifically traumatizing event that had happened to his family was detailed in a news article. He had yet to share this information with her. As they continued dating she had no idea how to bring it up. As a couple of months went by she wondered how she would > MORE
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Mainstream Psychology Can Go Fuck Itself
February 12, 2019 -
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A Short Essay about the End of the World
April 13, 2018 -
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Transformative Relationships — Taking into Account Power, Rank, Privilege & Cultural Difference
October 27, 2021 -
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(Dis)Regarding the Humanity of Leaders
June 17, 2021